CACI International Inc

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A US-based government contractor that provides computer and IT services to US immigration authorities and other federal agencies.

CACI International Inc, headquartered in Arlington, Va., is an information technology (IT) government contractor that provides a wide array of technological services to multiple branches of the U.S. federal government. As of 2023, the company generates nearly 95% of its annual revenue from contracts with the U.S. government, 65.7% of which derived from contracts with the Department of Defense (DOD).

CACI provides U.S. immigration authorities Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) with various IT services. For example, the company holds a contract worth a potential $2.3 billion with the agency—spanning 2019 to September 2024—for its “Border Enforcement Applications for Government Leading-Edge Information Technology" (BEAGLE). This contract is designed to upgrade IT software across all of CBP's operations, including its revenue collection system and mobile applications. BEAGLE is the successor to CBP's "Border Enforcement Management Systems" (BEMS), which powered back office CBP systems, including the agency's public website, financial management software, and "applications that track and record border activity." The company also holds contracts worth a potential $52.9 million and $33.7 million with CBP for IT management services and background investigation services, respectively.

CACI also provides ICE with background investigative services. In June 2024 and August 2023, the company was awarded contracts worth a potential $5.8 million and $4.8 million, respectively, for such services. The company has also provided the agency with tactical communications and maintenance support services. In 2021, for example, the company was awarded a contract worth up to $130.3 million to provide ICE with these services until March 2026. ICE previously awarded CACI a $28.6 million contract for telecommunications support; this contract ended in January 2024 and was part of a wider contract with other government agencies for Tactical Communications Equipment and Services, including land mobile radio engineers and two-way radios.

Additionally, CACI contracts with Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), ICE's investigative arm. For example, the company holds a contract—worth a potential $105.6 million and set to end in September 2025—with the agency for data and analytical support services. An important part of its business, CACI's analytics services allow government agencies to analyze data and improve their data visualization solutions.

Torture at Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq

Between August 2003 and March 2004, CACI was awarded, through an existing IT contract with the DOD, 11 task orders valued at over $66 million to provide interrogation, screening, intelligence-related, and logistics support services at U.S. military prisons in Iraq, including Abu Ghraib.

In June 2008, Iraqi citizens filed a civil action against CACI International, former CACI employee Timothy Duggan, and L-3 Services Inc (now Engility Corporation), another government contractor, alleging that they were tortured while detained at Abu Ghraib. According to the lawsuit,  Al Shimari v. CACI, CACI employees "instigated, directed, participated in, encouraged, and aided and abetted" torture at the prison, subjecting Al Shimari and other jailed individuals to electric shocks, sexual assault, being stripped and kept naked, sensory deprivation, mock executions, broken bones, deprivation of oxygen, food, and water, and more. On May 2, 2024, following trial and eight days of jury deliberation, a mistrial was declared after the jury deadlocked. A retrial is set to begin in October 2024.

CACI was also implicated in a second lawsuit, Saleh v. Titan Corp., in which it was sued along with Titan Corporation/L-3 Services (now Engility Corporation) and U.S. government personnel for violating international, federal, and state law by participating in a torture conspiracy at U.S. military prisons in Iraq, including Abu Ghraib. The case was dismissed by the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia in 2009. In 2011, the Supreme Court denied the Plaintiffs' appeal, thereby ending the case.

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15 July 2024