Weapons and Military Equipment

This section of Investigate includes companies that provide military and security forces in Palestine/Israel with weapons and tools consistently used in war crimes or attacks on civilians in violation of international law.

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) investment policy precludes investment in any company that provides products or services to military bodies, organizations, or groups that are used to facilitate or undertake violent acts against civilians or violations of international law. Hence, AFSC policy responds to human rights violations by both Israelis and Palestinians. However, this list contains only companies involvement in Israeli violations. This apparent asymmetry is a consequence of the asymmetry of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. The provision of any form of support to a Palestinian armed group or political party is illegal under U.S. anti-terrorism laws. In other words, existing legal structures enforce strict sanctions and prevent meaningful involvement of public corporations in Palestinian violations of international law, while not imposing comparable restrictions on Israel.

The companies included in this section are:

  • Companies that supply the military with the main weapons platforms consistently used in attacks of the a civilian population.
  • Companies that provide security forces with equipment and services specifically used in illegal collective punishment of the civilian population under military occupation, such as home demolitions.

This list is limited to companies with significant, ongoing contracts, and focuses on cases with a proven direct link to war crimes, violations of international humanitarian law or human rights law. It is not intended as a general list of all weapons manufacturers or military contractors.

The American Friends Service Committee supports disarmament processes and the cessation of military sales and assistance to all parties. In 2012, AFSC joined 14 other church groups in calling on the US Congress to condition the provision of US military aid to Israel on Israel’s respect for human rights.

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The list of companies involved in this sector
Select private companies are listed below publicly-traded companies.
(!) symbol means this company is on our divestment list
Publicly-Traded Companies

Google’s parent company. It provides cloud computing services and other technologies to the Israeli and US militaries, US immigration authorities, and electronic monitoring companies.

An Israeli company that specializes in consultancy, management, logistics, and software. Its subsidiary Sysnet Software provides support for Israeli military systems that surveil the Palestinian civilian population.

The world’s largest online retailer and cloud storage provider. It is the main provider of cloud infrastructure and services for the Israeli government and military, US immigration authorities, and US prisons and police.

A Polish multinational software company that owns Formula Systems and Matrix IT, both of which provide multiple services to illegal Israeli settlements, the Israeli military, and the Israeli Ministry of Defense.

The world's seventh-largest military contractor, which manufactures multiple weapon systems routinely used in war crimes against Palestinians.

The world's third-largest military company. It manufactures multiple weapon systems that are routinely used in war crimes against Palestinian civilians and previously designed the smart/virtual wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

An Israeli outsourcing company for secure communications systems. Its systems are installed at military bases and checkpoints in the occupied West Bank and in weapons systems used by the Israeli military.

The owner of Safariland and Defense Technology, which manufacture tear gas and other crowd control weapons that are used by Israeli police and military authorities against Palestinians and by immigration, prison, and law enforcement agencies in the US and around the world.

A US-based multinational manufacturer of construction machinery and equipment. Its products are weaponized for the Israeli military and are used in home demolitions; in the construction of illegal settlement infrastructure, border walls, and military checkpoints; and in military assaults against Palestinians.

A multinational manufacturer of agricultural and construction equipment. Its construction equipment has been used in demolitions of Palestinians' homes and in construction on illegal Israeli settlements and the Separation Wall.

A manufacturer of firearms and ammunition for military, law enforcement, and commercial markets in Israel, the U.S., and around the world.

Israel’s largest weapons manufacturer. Its weapons are routinely used in war crimes against Palestinians and its surveillance systems are used in Palestine and along the U.S.–Mexico border.

The world’s largest publicly-traded oil & gas company. Provides Israel with fuel for fighter jets used by the Israeli air force against Palestinian civilians.

A US-based vehicle manufacturer that provides commercial and specialized vehicles to Israeli occupation authorities and US police and immigration agencies.

A subsidiary of multinational software company Asseco and parent company of Matrix IT and other subsidiaries that provide security systems and IT services to illegal Israeli settlements, the Israeli military, and the Israeli Ministry of Defense.

Genasys, formerly the Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) Corporation, specializes in manufacturing acoustic hailing systems. Its flagship product, the Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD), is used by police, military personnel, and immigration authorities in the US and abroad.

The fifth-largest military contractor in the world. It manufactures weapons that are used by the Israeli military against Palestinian civilians and surveillance technology that is used to monitor and surveil the U.S.–Mexico border and immigrant communities.

One of the world's largest weapons companies. It manufactures engines for multiple weapon systems that are routinely used in war crimes against Palestinian civilians and infrastructure for a power plant in the occupied Syrian Golan.

An Israeli provider of satellite communication equipment. Its systems are installed at Israeli military checkpoints throughout the occupied West Bank and on armored personnel carriers used by the Israeli military.

South Korea

The parent company of Korea Shipbuilding and its subsidiary Hyundai Heavy Industries, whose products are used to demolish homes and to construct illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

The world's largest shipbuilding company and a major heavy equipment manufacturer. Its products are used to demolish homes and to construct illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

The parent company of HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, whose products are used to demolish homes and to construct illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.


A Japanese multinational conglomerate in the communications, infrastructure, electronics, transportation, heavy machinery, and financial industries, among others. Provides equipment that Israel uses to demolish homes in the occupied Palestinian territory.

A US manufacturer of components that are integrated into multiple weapons systems used in war crimes.

One of the largest IT companies in the world. It provides technologies to the Israeli military and operates Israel’s discriminatory population registry.

A US weapons manufacturer that provides phone tracking devices and other equipment to the Israeli military and US immigration authorities. It used to provide surveillance technologies for use along the US–Mexico border and at Israeli military checkpoints.

An Italian weapons manufacturer that provides the Israeli Navy with warship guns.

The world’s largest military company. It manufactures weapons that are routinely used by the Israeli military against Palestinian civilians and reconnaissance aircraft that are used by US immigration authorities to monitor the US–Mexico border.

An Israeli IT company that operates in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied Palestinian territory and conducts projects for the Israeli military.

An Israeli IT service management company and subsidiary of Formula Systems. It provides services and technology to illegal Israeli settlements, the Israeli military, and the Israel Police and Prison Services, and operates one branch in an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank.

A US-based communications and surveillance company. Its surveillance products are used in US prisons, along the US–Mexico border, and by US police departments. Its equipment is installed in illegal Israeli settlements and along the separation wall in the occupied West Bank and is used by the Israeli military, police, and prison service.

The world’s third-largest military company. It manufactures weapons that are used by the Israeli military against Palestinian civilians and surveillance technologies used by US immigration authorities to monitor the US–Mexico border.

An American industrial company that designs and builds specialty trucks, military vehicles, and access equipment. Equipment made by its subsidiary JLG Industries has been used in multiple construction projects in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory.

A US-based high-tech surveillance company whose big data AI tools are used by Israeli security forces and U.S. law and immigration enforcement agencies.

A German company that manufactures engines and transmission systems for Israel's main battle tanks and armored personnel carriers.

The UK's second largest weapons manufacturer. Its German subsidiary MTU makes the engines for Israel's main battle tanks and armored personnel carriers.

The world's second-largest military company, formerly known as Raytheon Technologies. It makes missiles, bombs, components for fighter jets, and other weapon systems used by the Israeli military against Palestinian civilians. Its surveillance technology is also used to monitor the U.S.–Mexico border.

A US-based manufacturer of firearms and tactical gear. It sells its products to law enforcement agencies, the US military, and foreign militaries, including the Israeli military, which uses Ruger weapons to target Palestinians. 

An Indian multinational automobile manufacturer that supplies Land Rover vehicles to the Israeli military for use in the occupied Palestinian territory.

A US manufacturer of machinery and lift equipment for construction and infrastructure projects. Its equipment has been used in home demolitions and in the construction of Israel's separation wall, the Tel Aviv–Jerusalem railway, and military checkpoints. 

A US-based military contractor, known for its Beechcraft, Bell, Cessna, and Hawker aircraft, some of which are used to monitor the US–Mexico border and by the Israeli military.

A German engineering company that has provided the Israeli Navy with warships and submarines

One of the world's largest automakers. Its vehicles are routinely and extensively used by the Israeli military in committing human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian and Syrian territories. 


A German manufacturer of commercial vehicles and engineering equipment, majority-owned by Volkswagen. It provides Israel with MAN vehicles, which are converted there into The Skunk, a crowd control weapon designed specifically for the military occupation. In addition, MAN buses are used by Egged, a large Israeli bus company that serves many illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

A US multinational oil & gas company. Provides Israel with fuel for aircraft used by the Israeli air force against Palestinian civilians.


A German manufacturer of commercial vehicles and engineering equipment. Its subsidiary Traton provides Israel with MAN vehicles, which are converted into The Skunk, a crowd control weapon designed specifically for the military occupation. In addition, MAN buses are used by Egged, a large Israeli bus company that serves many illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.


A Swedish multinational manufacturer of trucks, buses, construction equipment, and industrial systems. Its vehicles and equipment have been used in demolitions of Palestinians' homes and in the construction of illegal Israeli settlements and settlement infrastructure in the occupied West Bank.

Private Companies

Combined Systems Inc provides less-lethal weapons, including tear gas, and other equipment under its Combined Tactical Systems (CTS) brand to military forces and law enforcement agencies around the world.

Israel's 2nd largest weapon company. Makes surveillance and killer drones and other weapon systems used against civilians. Has facilities in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.