all companies


A US-based multinational conglomerate that supplies raw materials to prison labor programs. 3M used to provide prison health care services, operate electronic monitoring systems, and manufacture components for weapons systems.

AARDVARK Tactical sells military-grade tactical equipment, including armor, TASERs, crowd control weapons, acoustic hailing devices, robots, personal protective products, personnel/vehicle search equipment, and vehicle stopping systems, to law enforcement, prison, and immigration agencies.


A Swedish-Swiss multinational corporation that manufactures robotics, electrification equipment, and automation technology. Its equipment has been used at solar energy fields in the occupied West Bank.


An Israeli security firm that specializes in military intelligence and cyber security. Operates out of an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank.

A US-based provider of behavioral healthcare services. It provides health services to people in prison and previously operated “shelters” for detaining unaccompanied immigrant children.


An Irish multinational professional services firm that provides technical and planning support to CBP and ICE.

A Spanish company specializing in civil and engineering construction. Its subsidiary SEMI led the project to electrify the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem railway, which crosses into the occupied West Bank.

A Florida-based immigration bail bond company that operates across all 50 US states. It claims that it has posted bail for "tens of thousands" of people detained by US immigration authorities.


A Chinese-owned Israeli chemical pesticide manufacturer that supports agriculture in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights. Its products have also been used by the Israeli military to maintain the blockade on the Gaza Strip.

Adamson Police Products sells military-grade tactical equipment, including firearms, ammunition, less-lethal munitions, body armor, robots, and thermal imaging tools, to US police departments and prison agencies.

A US-based military contractor whose drones are used to surveil the US–Mexico border.

An Israeli company specializing in control and automation technologies that is involved in several projects in the occupied Palestinian territory and Golan Heights.


A California-based bail bond insurance company—comprised of Allegheny Casualty, Associated Bond, and International Fidelity—that underwrites jail and immigration bonds. It operates across all 50 US states and Puerto Rico.

A US air cargo transportation and aircraft leasing company that operates deportation flights for the US government.

A US company that lists rental properties in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian and Syrian territories.

A Dutch multinational military and aerospace company whose helicopters are used to monitor the US–Mexico border.


A Liechtenstein-based holding company that owns agricultural businesses. Its subsidiary Louis Dreyfus Company—a producer of food and beverages, pet food, pharmaceuticals, and other products—purchases raw goods from prison farms.

A joint venture of several IT companies contracted in 2020 for five years of service to facilitate Homeland Security Investigation's usage of the Communications for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), which requires telecom companies to help law enforcement wiretap their networks.

An Israeli investment firm. Its subsidiary Energix Renewable Energy has projects in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights. Its subsidiary Amot Investments owns an industrial building in the occupied West Bank.

Google’s parent company. It provides cloud computing services and other technologies to the Israeli and US militaries, US immigration authorities, and electronic monitoring companies.

A French company operating in the railway sector. It participated in the construction of the Jerusalem Light Rail and Tel Aviv–Jerusalem railway, both of which cut through the occupied Palestinian territory.

A private US-based investment management company. As of 2022, it serves as the administrative agent of CoreCivic's and GEO Group's loans.

A Dutch multinational telecommunications company. Its Israeli subsidiary HOT has facilities in and provides telecommunication services to most illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

An Israeli company that specializes in consultancy, management, logistics, and software. Its subsidiary Sysnet Software provides support for Israeli military systems that surveil the Palestinian civilian population.

The world’s largest online retailer and cloud storage provider. It is the main provider of cloud infrastructure and services for the Israeli government and military, US immigration authorities, and US prisons and police.

An Indiana-based property and casualty insurance company that specializes in underwriting immigration and jail bonds. It operates in 46 US states.

An Israeli agricultural company that operates branches in two illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

An Israeli real estate investment firm. Owns an industrial building in an illegal settlement industrial zone in the occupied West Bank.


Since 2020, Anduril has provided CBP with Autonomous Surveillance Towers (AST) that use artificial intelligence and Google technologies to monitor the US-Mexico border.

A US-based provider of food, facility management, and uniform services. It provides food and other services to prisons and immigration jails and uses prison labor.

A US multinational company that manufactures food for humans, pets, and livestock. It purchases raw goods from prison farms.

One of Israel's largest construction and real estate companies. It has constructed housing units and large-scale infrastructure in illegal Israeli settlements, as well as parts of Israel's separation wall. It also operates a quarry and concrete plant in the occupied West Bank.

A Polish multinational software company that owns Formula Systems and Matrix IT, both of which provide multiple services to illegal Israeli settlements, the Israeli military, and the Israeli Ministry of Defense.


A US-based telecommunications company that provides communications services to US immigration authorities.

A Swedish multinational manufacturer of industrial tools and equipment. Some of its products were used in the construction of the Tel Aviv–Jerusalem railway, which cuts through the occupied West Bank.

A private prison company, owned by CoreCivic. Owns and manages private halfway houses in Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming.


A US-based software company that provides biometric systems to US immigration authorities for border monitoring and surveillance.

A US manufacturer of less-lethal weapons and surveillance technology, which are used by the Israeli military and police against Palestinian civilians and by police, prison, immigration, and military agencies in the US and worldwide.

An Israeli holding company with a controlling interest in Bezeq, Israel's largest telecommunications provider, which has infrastructure throughout the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights and provides telecommunication services to illegal Israeli settlements, military bases, and checkpoints.

An Israeli company operating in the agriculture, retail, financial services, and real estate sectors. Its subsidiaries provide services to and operate facilities in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian and Syrian territories.

The world's seventh-largest military contractor, which manufactures multiple weapon systems routinely used in war crimes against Palestinians.

One of Israel's largest banks, which is deeply involved in the expansion of Israel's illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

One of Israel's largest banks. It is deeply involved in the expansion of Israel's illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian and Syrian territories.

A US-based multinational banking and financial services company. In 2019, it announced that it would stop financing private prison companies CoreCivic and GEO Group, but its current involvement cannot be verified. It is also one of the funders of Atlanta's Cop City.

An Israeli bank that is deeply involved in the expansion of Israel's illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

A Florida-based financial holding company whose bail bond surety subsidiary Bankers Surety provides surety services for immigration and jail bonds. It operates in over 40 US states.

An Israeli engineering company that participated in the construction of the Tel Aviv–Jerusalem railway, which cuts through the occupied Palestinian territory. It is involved in the displacement of Palestinians and in construction projects for the Israeli military and police.

A UK-based multinational banking company. In 2019, it announced that it would stop financing private prison companies CoreCivic and GEO Group, but its current involvement cannot be verified.

The company designed, built, and repaired physical barriers along the border in Arizona and California from 2018 to 2020.

A Wisconsin-based cheese manufacturer. It purchases surplus raw milk from a Wisconsin prison farm.

A US-based producer of high-end computing and industrial products that provides Mobile Video Surveillance Systems (MVSS) to US immigration authorities for monitoring the US–Mexico border.

A US-based holding company and investment firm. Its subsidiary Shaw Industries uses prison labor. Other subsidiaries provide equipment, utilities, and uniforms to prison and jail authorities.

Berla, in collaboration with MSAB, makes vehicle forensics kits that CBP uses to extract personal information from cars' infotainment and navigation systems. The system can extract contact lists, messages, pictures, and recent destinations from any synchronized mobile devices.

Israel's largest telecommunications provider. It has infrastructure throughout the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights and provides telecommunication services to illegal Israeli settlements, military bases, and checkpoints.


A French multinational banking and financial services company. In 2019, it announced that it would stop financing private prison company GEO Group, but its current involvement cannot be verified.

A biometrics company that has conducted DNA analysis and testing of immigrants since 2014. Since 2019, Bode has provided CBP and ICE with Rapid DNA testing services using Thermo Fisher's RapidHIT ID system.

The world's third-largest military company. It manufactures multiple weapon systems that are routinely used in war crimes against Palestinian civilians and previously designed the smart/virtual wall on the U.S.-Mexico border.

A Canadian manufacturer of business aircraft and public transit vehicles. Provides railway engines and cars to Israel's railway system, which transgresses into the occupied Palestinian territory.

A US travel technology company that owns and operates several travel fare search and booking engines. Its subsidiary lists accommodations located in the occupied Palestinian territory and Golan Heights.

A US government IT contractor, which developed cloud analytics services for US immigration authorities to track and target immigrants.

A Chinese-owned dairy company whose Israeli subsidiary, Tnuva, sources milk from illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.


A global agribusiness and food company. Its North American subsidiary purchases raw goods from prison farms.

An Israeli outsourcing company for secure communications systems. Its systems are installed at military bases and checkpoints in the occupied West Bank and in weapons systems used by the Israeli military.

A US-based government contractor that provides computer and IT services to US immigration authorities and other federal agencies.

In a joint venture with Gibraltar US, Gibraltar-Caddell has designed and constructed US-Mexico border infrastructure since 2019. In 2017, Caddell desiged a prototype for the "Trump Wall."

The owner of Safariland and Defense Technology, which manufacture tear gas and other crowd control weapons that are used by Israeli police and military authorities against Palestinians and by immigration, prison, and law enforcement agencies in the US and around the world.

The largest egg producer in the US. It uses prison labor.

Provides law enforcement agencies, including ICE since 2019, with a tool that indexes images from online sources and matches them with facial images in law enforcement databases.


A Japanese manufacturer of cameras and film equipment. Its subsidiary Briefcam provides video surveillance tools to the Israeli occupation authorities in East Jerusalem.


A French IT and engineering firm that provides US immigration authorities with IT solutions used to support deportations.

A venture capital investment firm. One of its holdings, Meytag High Tech Ventures, is located at Katzrin, an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied Golan Heights.

A US-based medical supply company that provides pharmaceuticals to prisons, including drugs used in executions. Its former subsidiary Tradex provided materials for use in prison labor programs.

A Minnesota-based company that produces food and beverages, pet food, pharmaceuticals, and other products. The largest private company in the US, it uses prison labor at some of its poultry processing plants and purchases raw goods from prison farms.


A French multinational retailer with grocery stores located in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Israel's largest fashion company. Operates stores in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

A US-based multinational manufacturer of construction machinery and equipment. Its products are weaponized for the Israeli military and are used in home demolitions; in the construction of illegal settlement infrastructure, border walls, and military checkpoints; and in military assaults against Palestinians.

The largest Israeli cellular communications provider. It operates hundreds of antennas that serve illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian and Syrian territories.

An Israeli digital intelligence firm that supplies police, prison, and immigration authorities, as well as repressive regimes around the world, with hacking technologies.

A Mexican building materials company that has provided concrete for numerous illegal Israeli construction projects in the occupied Palestinian territory and that operates production plants there, despite having formally sold them.

A US-based producer of surveillance tools that provides video management systems for monitoring prisons, jails, and the U.S.–Mexico border.

A Louisiana-based agricultural company that primarily operates grain and soybean processing facilities. The company's subsidiary Consolidated Grain and Barge Co. has purchased millions of dollars' worth of raw goods from prison labor programs.

One of the world's largest oil and gas companies. Its subsidiary Noble Energy extracts gas off the shores of the Gaza Strip, exacerbating the Gaza blockade and potentially involved in pillaging.

A US-based apparel and accessories retailer that has stores in Atarot and Ramot, two illegal Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem in the occupied West Bank. The stores are operated by its Israeli licensee, Fox-Wizel.

A Swiss chocolate and confectionery company. Its American subsidiary Russell Stover uses prison labor.

A US-based networking hardware company. Established a network of “digital hubs” in partnership with the Israeli government, some of them in occupied territories.

A US-based retail and commercial banking company. It has been one of the main financial backers of private prison company CoreCivic.


A Louisiana-based prison communications company that provides phones, video "visitation" technology, messaging systems, and other products to US prisons, jails, and police agencies. As of 2021, the company served US prisons and jails responsible for incarcerating over 24,000 people.

One of Israel's largest insurance companies. It routinely finances and insures construction projects in Israel's illegal settlements throughout the occupied Palestinian territory.

New York

A surveillance company that mines facial images from websites including social media and uses facial recognition software to create databases for law enforcement and other government agencies. Clearview has sold a subscription to its database to CBP since 2020.

A multinational manufacturer of agricultural and construction equipment. Its construction equipment has been used in demolitions of Palestinians' homes and in construction on illegal Israeli settlements and the Separation Wall.

A manufacturer of firearms and ammunition for military, law enforcement, and commercial markets in Israel, the U.S., and around the world.

A Kentucky-based prison communications company that provides phones, texting and video "visitation" services, tablets, kiosks, vending machines, and other products to 320 prisons and jails in the US. It is the fifth-largest prison telecom company in the US as of 2021.


Combined Systems Inc provides less-lethal weapons, including tear gas, and other equipment under its Combined Tactical Systems (CTS) brand to military forces and law enforcement agencies around the world.

A Texas-based prison communications company that provides phone and video "visitation" technology, tablets, and texting devices to US prisons and jails.

A Spanish manufacturer of railway vehicles and buses. It is involved in the construction, expansion, operation, and maintenance of the Jerusalem Light Rail, which is part of Israel's illegal settlement enterprise in the occupied Palestinian territory.

The world’s largest private prison company. It owns and operates prisons and jails, including immigration jails and “community corrections” centers, and uses forced prison labor. It also provides e-carceration technologies, transportation, and other services as part of the criminal punishment system.

A Lousiana-based prison communications company that provides phones, video "visitation" services, kiosks, tablets, commissary ordering systems, and other products to US prisons and jails responsible for incarcerating over 31,000 people as of 2021.

One of the largest retailers in the US. It banned the use of all forms of prison labor in its supply chain in 2018 but continues to sell products made using such labor.

A Nevada-based communications company that provides calling services, software, and other products to US prisons and jails.

A Kansas-based cooperative that sells dairy products under more than 35 brands. It has a "member dairy" at a prison and previously purchased millions of dollars' worth of raw milk from prison labor programs in Colorado and South Carolina.

An Israeli construction company controlled by Africa Israel and its parent company, Lapidoth Capital. It is involved in several construction and infrastructure projects in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory.

New York

Dataminr provides real-time alerts from social media and other public data sources to law enforcement, and this information is shared with DHS through its fusion centers.

Since 2018, Davenport Aviation has partnered with Airbus to provide CBP with "light enforcement helicopters" for patrolling US borders.

A US-based manufacturer of construction and agricultural machinery. It has provided vehicles and equipment to US Customs and Border Protection.

An Israeli multinational conglomerate of automotive, energy, insurance, and real estate companies. It owns and operates gas stations and convenience stores throughout the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

One of the world's largest consulting firms, with multiple large contracts with ICE and CBP, including for optimizing their immigrant detention capabilities and for developing the Unified Immigration Portal (UIP), using Salesforce technology, to facilitate information sharing across DHS agencies.

An Israeli textile manufacturer with branches in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Dev Technology is the main contractor for DHS' Enforcement Integrated Database (EID), which contains biometric and other information collected by ICE's Enforcement and Removal Operations agents and is shared with CBP, other federal agencies, and the government of Mexico. The company also has contracts with CBP for biometric application development.

South Korea

A South Korean multinational conglomerate of power generation, desalination, heavy machinery, and construction companies. Machinery manufactured by the company and its subsidiary Bobcat has been used in the construction of illegal Israeli settlements and related infrastructure, the separation wall, and military checkpoints.

An Israeli holding company with subsidiaries that develop, construct, and operate gas stations as well as market fuel products. It operates gas stations and convenience stores in multiple illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

A US multinational IT company that was previously involved in multiple projects of the Israeli occupation of Palestine.

Europe's largest online travel company. Its subsidiary Opodo lists locations in occupied Palestinian and Syrian lands.

Israel’s largest weapons manufacturer. Its weapons are routinely used in war crimes against Palestinians and its surveillance systems are used in Palestine and along the U.S.–Mexico border.

An Israeli holding company with multiple business operations in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

An Israeli construction company that builds and maintains infrastructure projects in and around illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

A US-based health insurance company, formerly named Anthem, that provides health services to youth jails and criminal legal programs.


A Nevada-based prison communications company that provides telecommunications equipment, video "visitation" systems, email services, and other products to jails across the US.

An Israeli renewable energy company. Owns a solar farm in an illegal settlement industrial zone in the occupied West Bank. Developed a wind farm project in the occupied Golan Heights.

An Israeli renewable energy company that develops, constructs, and operates solar and wind power plants in the occupied Golan Heights as well as the Negev.

A US-based credit reporting agency and data broker that provides US immigration authorities with information that enables them to locate people targeted for deportation.

A US digital tourism and travel company that owns and operates several search and booking websites. Its flagship websites and list locations in occupied Palestinian and Syrian lands.

The parent company of Bank of Jerusalem, an Israeli bank that finances construction projects and operates branches in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

The world’s largest publicly-traded oil & gas company. Provides Israel with fuel for fighter jets used by the Israeli air force against Palestinian civilians.

The parent company of First International Bank of Israel, which finances construction projects, operates branches in, and provides financial services to illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian and Syrian territory.

A Canadian financial holding company. Its subsidiary Crum & Forster is the largest bail insurance company in the US.

A US-based banking and financial services company. In 2019, it announced that it would stop financing private prison companies CoreCivic and GEO Group, but its current involvement cannot be verified.

A US-based banking and financial services company. It has been one of the main financial backers of private prison company CoreCivic.

One of Israel's largest banks. It is deeply involved in the expansion of Israel's illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory.

A US-based manufacturer of solar energy systems. Provides solar panels for a solar farm in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank.

The primary contractor for border construction during the Trump administration, Fisher Sand & Gravel built more than 90 miles of walls and fences along the US-Mexico border in Texas and Arizona.

A US-based apparel and accessories retailer that has a store in Ma’ale Adumim, an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank. The store is operated by its Israeli licensee, Fox-Wizel.

A US-based vehicle manufacturer that provides commercial and specialized vehicles to Israeli occupation authorities and US police and immigration agencies.


Developed and operates COPLINK, a system used to facilitate information sharing between local law enforcement and federal agencies including ICE. Forensic Logic had a contract with ICE for access to law enforcement data from 2018 to 2020.

A subsidiary of multinational software company Asseco and parent company of Matrix IT and other subsidiaries that provide security systems and IT services to illegal Israeli settlements, the Israeli military, and the Israeli Ministry of Defense.

A Chinese multinational conglomerate that owns AHAVA, which excavates minerals in the occupied West Bank and operates a processing center and visitor center in an illegal Israeli settlement, despite moving its factory outside of the occupied Palestinian territory.


An Israeli apparel and accessories retailer that has stores in multiple illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank under its brands Fox, Foot Locker, Fox, Laline, and The Children's Place, according to Who Profits.

One of Israel's largest private security firms and a former subsidiary of G4S. It provides security services and equipment to illegal Israeli settlements, the Israeli military, and the Israeli police and prison systems.

A subsidiary of Allied Universal, the world's largest private security company. It runs private prisons in Australia and the UK and deports immigrants in the US. It divested from all of its activities with the Israeli government following a global campaign.

A Canadian private security firm that operates across 45 countries. In addition to providing security guards to government, commercial, and nonprofit clients, it sells security and surveillance equipment and offers armored car, police support, facility management, and other security-related services.

Genasys, formerly the Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) Corporation, specializes in manufacturing acoustic hailing systems. Its flagship product, the Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD), is used by police, military personnel, and immigration authorities in the US and abroad.


CBP's main contractor for drones to monitor the US-Mexico border. General Atomics has provided at least 10 MQ-9 Predator B drones since 2005, and continues providing "operational and maintenance" at least until 2022.

The fifth-largest military contractor in the world. It manufactures weapons that are used by the Israeli military against Palestinian civilians and surveillance technology that is used to monitor and surveil the U.S.–Mexico border and immigrant communities.

One of the world's largest weapons companies. It manufactures engines for multiple weapon systems that are routinely used in war crimes against Palestinian civilians and infrastructure for a power plant in the occupied Syrian Golan.

One of the world's largest food manufacturers. Until 2022, it produced Pillsbury products in a factory located in an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank.

A US automaker whose engines power vehicles used by the Israeli military and whose trucks have been used by Israeli military and police forces to surveil Palestinians and for other occupation-related purposes. It supplies vehicles to US police, prison, and immigration authorities.

A US multinational oil & gas company. Extracts oil in the occupied Golan Heights.


During 2014-2022, ICE used Giant Oak Search Technology (GOST), originally developed for the military, to mine social media content for the purpose of automatically assessing people's "threat level" and flag them for increased surveillance, arrest, or deportation.

In a joint venture with Caddell Construction, Gibraltar-Caddell has designed and constructed US-Mexico border infrastructure since 2019.

An Israeli provider of satellite communication equipment. Its systems are installed at Israeli military checkpoints throughout the occupied West Bank and on armored personnel carriers used by the Israeli military.

A New Jersey–based immigration bail bond company that operates across all 50 US states. 

A US-based construction company that built parts of and performed maintenance on the US–Mexico border barrier.


Owned by private equity firm Peak Equity Partners, Grayshift provides its GrayKey system to ICE and CBP for extracting data from cell phones. In 2019, Grayshift partnered with Magnet Forensics to make GrayKey available to more law enforcement.

An Israeli company that manufactures products for bathrooms and kitchens. It operates a factory in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank.

A Chinese manufacturer of surveillance cameras and software, AI systems, access control technology, and other products. Its equipment is used to surveil Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and by prison and police agencies worldwide. 

One of Israel's largest insurance companies. It routinely finances and insures construction projects in Israel's illegal settlements throughout the occupied West Bank.

South Korea

The parent company of Korea Shipbuilding and its subsidiary Hyundai Heavy Industries, whose products are used to demolish homes and to construct illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

The world's largest shipbuilding company and a major heavy equipment manufacturer. Its products are used to demolish homes and to construct illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

The parent company of HD Hyundai Heavy Industries, whose products are used to demolish homes and to construct illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

The world's largest cement producer and a leader in the production of aggregates. Operates quarries and manufacturing facilities in the occupied West Bank. Its products have been used to build and expand illegal settlements.

A US multinational high tech company, previously part of the Hewlett-Packard Company. Provides equipment to the discriminatory Israeli population registry and prison system.

An Arizona-based egg producer that claims to be the largest egg company in the Southwest. It has used prison labor for decades and supplies many US grocery stores, including Costco, Kroger, Target, and Walmart.


An Israeli IT company that operates multiple projects supporting the Israeli occupation of Palestine. It operates in illegal settlements and manages parts of Israel's discriminatory population registry system.


A Japanese multinational conglomerate in the communications, infrastructure, electronics, transportation, heavy machinery, and financial industries, among others. Provides equipment that Israel uses to demolish homes in the occupied Palestinian territory.


A Missouri-based prison communications company that provides phone and messaging services, video "visitation" technology, kiosks, tablets, and other products to 159 prisons and jails across 31 US states.

A Japanese vehicle manufacturer that provides vehicles to US Customs and Border Protection.

A US manufacturer of components that are integrated into multiple weapons systems used in war crimes.


A US-based computer hardware manufacturer, the legal successor of the Hewlett-Packard Company. Was involved in multiple human rights violations as part of the Israeli occupation of Palestine, as well as in US mass incarceration, immigrant deportations, policing, and surveillance.

A UK-based banking and financial services company. It has been a major financier of private prison companies CoreCivic and GEO Group.


One of Israel's largest companies, which makes fertilizers and chemicals from minerals that it extracts from the Dead Sea. It has provided services to and conducted agricultural experiments in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights. The products that it manufactures have been used in multiple illegal settlements.

Owned by private equity firm Advent International, IDEMIA creates automated biometrics systems for governments around the world, including the US, since 2005.

A Thai producer of industrial chemicals and fabrics. Its Israeli subsidiary Avgol had a factory in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied Palestinian territory.

Owned by prison services conglomerate TKC Holdings, ICSolutions is the third-largest prison communications provider in the US, controlling approximately 9% of the market as of 2021. The company provides over 230 prisons and jails nationwide with telephone, voicemail, email, and video "visitation" services; cell phone detection and control systems; and other products.

One of the largest IT companies in the world. It provides technologies to the Israeli military and operates Israel’s discriminatory population registry.

The parent company of B Communications, which has a controlling interest in Bezeq, Israel's largest telecommunications provider. Been has infrastructure throughout the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights and provides telecommunication services to illegal Israeli settlements, military bases, and checkpoints.

Israel's 2nd largest weapon company. Makes surveillance and killer drones and other weapon systems used against civilians. Has facilities in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

One of Israel's largest banks. Financed the construction of housing projects in multiple illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. Has branches in illegal settlements.

A Chinese manufacturer of solar energy systems. Provides solar panels for a solar farm in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank.

An Indian multinational manufacturing company. Its subsidiary NaanDan Jain Irrigation carries out irrigation projects in and provides services to illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

Since 2014, JDL Digital Systems has provided support and equipment for the Video Evidence Collection and Distribution System (VECADS) used by ICE and CBP. The company develops standalone security cameras as well as video recording and time management equipment for aircraft, drones, and vehicles.

A US-based banking and financial services company. In 2019, it announced that it would stop financing private prison companies CoreCivic and GEO Group, but its current involvement cannot be verified.

A Dutch investment company that develops and manages assets and projects in real estate and water infrastructure. Through its subsidiary TAHAL Group, the company has carried out multiple projects in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory.

A US-based construction and engineering firm that maintains and repairs the US–Mexico border fence in Arizona.

One of the largest construction and engineering companies in the US. Its subsidiary Southwest Valley Constructors has built physical barriers along the US-Mexico border in Texas, Arizona, and California under contracts worth $2.7 billion from 2019 to 2021. As the parent company, Kiewit Infrastructure had an additional smaller border construction contract in Texas from 2019 to 2020.


An Illinois-based poultry processor that sells products under the Koch Foods and Oven Cravers brands. It uses prison labor at its plants, where at least one incarcerated worker has been killed by machinery. In 2023, incarcerated individuals in Alabama sued Koch Foods and other companies for participating in an alleged forced prison labor scheme.

Has multiple CBP contracts for maintenance and repair along the US-Meixco border since 2019.

A construction firm specializing in government and military products KWR has provided construction and maintenance for the US-Mexico border mostly in Arizona, and in 2017 submitted a prototype for the "Trump Wall."

A US weapons manufacturer that provides phone tracking devices and other equipment to the Israeli military and US immigration authorities. It used to provide surveillance technologies for use along the US–Mexico border and at Israeli military checkpoints.

A large Israeli construction, infrastructure, and drilling company. Its subsidiaries Africa Israel and Danya Cebus are involved in several construction and infrastructure projects in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory.

LC Action Police Supply sells tactical weapons and equipment, including firearms, pepper spray, impact and chemical munitions, flashbangs, sting ball grenades, restraints, batons, and uniforms, to US police, prison, and military agencies.

A US-based military IT contractor that provides imaging technologies and biometric systems to US immigration authorities for border monitoring and surveillance.


Lenco Industries manufactures the BEAR and BearCat armored vehicles for military, law enforcement, and immigration authorities around the world.

An Italian weapons manufacturer that provides the Israeli Navy with warship guns.

An Israeli construction and development company that has provided services and infrastructure to illegal Israeli settlements and military checkpoints in the occupied West Bank.

A Kentucky-based property and casualty insurance company that specializes in underwriting jail and immigration bail bonds. It operates across all 50 US states. 


Lexipol is a privately-owned company that sells policy manuals, online training courses, officer "wellness resources," and other products to police departments throughout the US.

The parent company of TripAdvisor, an American online travel and tourism company whose flagship website,, lists accommodations and activities in illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian and Syrian land.

A Virginia-based bail bond services company that secures immigration bonds for individuals detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in exchange for monthly and other fees. Owned by private e-carceration company Nexus Services, the self-proclaimed "legal aid" provider has been sued and investigated numerous times for "preying on undocumented immigrants" and "acting as an unlicensed bail bond agency."

The world’s largest military company. It manufactures weapons that are routinely used by the Israeli military against Palestinian civilians and reconnaissance aircraft that are used by US immigration authorities to monitor the US–Mexico border.

A Canadian software company that sells phone-hacking and data analysis software to US immigration authorities and other law enforcement agencies.

An Israeli IT company that operates in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied Palestinian territory and conducts projects for the Israeli military.


A French heavy equipment manufacturer. It makes cranes that have been used in the construction and maintenance of the separation wall in the occupied West Bank.

An Israeli IT service management company and subsidiary of Formula Systems. It provides services and technology to illegal Israeli settlements, the Israeli military, and the Israel Police and Prison Services, and operates one branch in an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank.

The world's largest fast-food chain. It uses incarcerated labor at its restaurants and has prison labor in its supply chain.

An Israeli real estate firm. Develops shopping malls in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.


Israel's largest grower and exporter of various fruits and vegetables. It owns and operates dozens of orchards and facilities in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

One of Israel's largest insurance companies. It routinely finances construction projects in Israel's illegal settlements throughout the occupied West Bank.

An Israeli development, construction and real estate company. Builds residential and commercial projects in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

The parent company of Facebook, which discriminates against Palestinians in its content moderation policies.

Owned by private equity firm DC Capital Partners, Michael Baker International was contracted in 2021 by the State of Texas to construct a wall along its border with Mexico. In 2006, the company constructed more than 500 miles of physical barrier on the US-Mexico border.

A Swedish data extraction firm that provides digital forensics tools to law enforcement and immigration authorities.

One of the world’s largest IT companies. Provides tools and infrastructure used by the US government to surveil immigrant communities and to manage prisons. Divested AnyVision for surveilling Palestinians but keeps providing services to the Israeli police.

One of Israel's largest insurance companies. It routinely finances and insures construction projects in Israel's illegal settlements throughout the occupied West Bank and provides financial services to illegal settlement councils.

A US-based multinational minerals company. Its products are used in the construction of a water system for illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.


A California-based almond processor. It purchases raw goods from prison labor programs.

A British facility management, consultancy, and product management company that operates private prisons and immigration jails in the UK.

A Japanese automotive manufacturer. Its vehicles have been used in the process of demolition and confiscation of Palestinian property in the occupied West Bank.

One of Israel's largest real estate companies, specializes in properties for industrial or commercial use. Owns multiple industrial spaces in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

A major Israeli bank. Financed the construction of multiple illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. Has branches in illegal settlements. Discriminates against Palestinian citizens of Israel.

A US-based healthcare company, formerly named the Providence Service Corporation, that provides medical transportation services to prisons.

An Israeli construction and real estate development company that constructs residential and commercial projects in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory.

A US-based communications and surveillance company. Its surveillance products are used in US prisons, along the US–Mexico border, and by US police departments. Its equipment is installed in illegal Israeli settlements and along the separation wall in the occupied West Bank and is used by the Israeli military, police, and prison service.

A major Israeli bank specializing in credit for local municipalities. Financed the construction of public projects in multiple illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. Has branches in settlements.


An Italian furniture manufacturer that has a store in an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank.

A Texas-based prison communications company that provides messaging, video "visitation," voice biometric, call data mining, and other products to prisons, jails, and police departments across 42 US states, the Bahamas, Japan, and South Korea. It is the fourth-largest prison telecom company in the US as of 2021.


A Japanese IT company that provides US immigration authorities with biometric technologies used to target immigrant communities.


An Israeli infrastructure company that operates a wind energy project in the occupied Golan Heights and has provided communication infrastructure to the Israeli military.

An Israeli surveillance technology company that sells voice recording, video, and other surveillance tools to US police departments and prisons.


Noblis provides systems engineering and technical assistance to DHS, testing and evaluating new DHS technologies. The company has provided biometric support services to DHS in the past, and DHS plans to use Noblis facial recognition technology to target suspected members of gangs.

A Japanese financial services holding company. It has provided financing to private prison and immigrant detention company CoreCivic through two of its subsidiaries, Nomura Corporate Funding Americas and Nomura Securities International.

The world’s third-largest military company. It manufactures weapons that are used by the Israeli military against Palestinian civilians and surveillance technologies used by US immigration authorities to monitor the US–Mexico border.

One of Israel's largest IT companies. Its subsidiary Tescom has facilities in an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank.


An Israeli manufacturer of security and perimeter protection technology. Its equipment is installed in illegal Israeli settlements and the separation wall in the occupied West Bank.

A Mexican company (formerly Mexichem) operating in the materials, agriculture, and infrastructure industries. Its Israeli subsidiary Netafim, which specializes in precision-irrigation technologies, provides its products and services to several illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory.

An Israeli development and engineering firm. Operates a quarry and factory in the occupied West Bank and involved in illegal settlement construction.

An American industrial company that designs and builds specialty trucks, military vehicles, and access equipment. Equipment made by its subsidiary JLG Industries has been used in multiple construction projects in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory.

A US-based manufacturer of security and inspection systems, which are used at US border checkpoints and Israeli military checkpoints in the occupied Palestinian territory.


A US-based military and government contractor that has provided maintenance and logistical services to Custom and Border Protection’s fleet of aircraft used for surveilling the US–Mexico border. It was acquired by private company Amentum in 2022, bringing it into the private sector.

A US-based high-tech surveillance company whose big data AI tools are used by Israeli security forces and U.S. law and immigration enforcement agencies.

One of the largest Israeli providers of cellular phone services. Has hundreds of antennas and other communications facilities in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights. Services illegal settlements and military bases in the occupied West Bank.

A North Carolina–based prison communications company that provides phones, video "visitation" and messaging services, tablets, and other products to prisons and jails—responsible for incarcerating just over 20,000 people as of 2021—across the southeastern US.

A global leader in online payments and money transfers. Discriminates against Palestinians in its services.

The largest gas and energy supplier in Israel. Operates gas stations in and supplies cooking gas to illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights. Part of a duopoly with exclusive rights to supply gas to the Gaza strip.


A communications data analysis company that mines data including phone usage, social media, and internet communications to track people in real time. These data, which Pen-Link has provided to ICE and CBP since at least 2008, is integrated into the Palantir-designed Investigative Case Management (ICM) system.


Owned by private equity firm Veritas Capital, Peraton took over Northrop Grumman's contract for DHS' HART biometric database and L3Harris contract for CBP's Tethered Aerostat Radar System (blimps) on the US-Mexico border.

An American-Irish manufacturer of pharmaceuticals. It was perviously part of an oligopoly of pharmaceutical companies that benefited from selling to the captive Palestinian market.

One of Israel's largest insurance companies. It routinely finances and insures construction and infrastructure projects in Israel's illegal settlements throughout the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights and provides financial services to illegal settlement councils.

A US-based banking company. It has been a major financier of private prison company CoreCivic.

A US-based banking and financial services company. In 2019, it announced that it would stop financing private prison company CoreCivic, but its current involvement cannot be verified.

United States

A US-based vehicle manufacturer that provides all-terrain vehicles, utility task vehicles, and snowmobiles to US immigration authorities.

A US-based multinational water company. Its Israeli subsidiary Eden Springs extracts water from the occupied Golan Heights and is headquartered in an illegal settlement there.

A New Jersey–based prison communications company that provides phone and video "visitation" technology, tablets, messaging and commissary systems, and other products to US prisons and jails.


A German sports apparel company that sponsors the Israel Football Association, which includes teams representing illegal settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. The company announced it will end this sponsorship at the end of 2024.

Israel’s third largest grocery store chain. Owns real estate and operates stores in multiple illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

One of the world’s largest real estate companies. Sells and rents real estate in multiple illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank. Has a franchised office in a settlement.

A US-based banking and financial services company. It has been a major financier of private prison companies CoreCivic and GEO Group.

North Dakota

A North Dakota–based prison communications company that provides phone and texting services, video "visitation" technology, and other products to over 160 prisons and jails across Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.

A UK-based data broker and information services provider. Its subsidiary LexisNexis provides US immigration authorities with systems used to track and target immigrant communities and sells legal databases to prisons and jails.

A German company that manufactures engines and transmission systems for Israel's main battle tanks and armored personnel carriers.

One of the world's largest fast-food restaurant companies. It uses prison labor at its restaurants and has prison labor in its supply chain. 


A US-based specialty insurance company that previously underwrote immigration bonds for bail bond firm Libre by Nexus.

A French furniture manufacturer that has a store in an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank.

The UK's second largest weapons manufacturer. Its German subsidiary MTU makes the engines for Israel's main battle tanks and armored personnel carriers.

An Israeli agricultural technology company that provides climate management technologies to illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

An Israeli construction company that has built residential housing projects in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. It previously constructed facilities for the Israeli military.

The world's second-largest military company, formerly known as Raytheon Technologies. It makes missiles, bombs, components for fighter jets, and other weapon systems used by the Israeli military against Palestinian civilians. Its surveillance technology is also used to monitor the U.S.–Mexico border.

A US-based cloud computing and AI company whose systems power the Unified Immigration Portal, a database used by US immigration enforcement agencies to monitor and surveil immigrants.

One of Israel's largest bread and pastries companies. It operates bakeries in two illegal Israeli settlement neighborhoods of occupied East Jerusalem: Gilo and Ramat Shlomo.

A US military and intelligence contractor that provides license plate readers and other surveillance technologies to US immigration authorities.

The largest prison communications company in the US, controlling approximately 42% of the market as of 2021. Along with its subsidiary JPay, it provides phone, video "visitation," e-messaging, and other communication systems to over 3,400 US prisons and jails. It also serves as a customer-facing partner for prison telecom competitors that provide only backend telecom infrastructure.


Formerly Geospark Analytics, Seerist has provided CBP with its Hyperion software since 2020; the software uses artificial intelligence to automate "risk and threat intelligence gathering and analysis."

An Israeli company (formerly Magal Security Systems) specializing in high-tech security systems for fences and walls. Its systems are installed in the West Bank and Gaza walls.

A British multinational outsourcing company that operates prisons and immigration jails in Australia, Germany, New Zealand, and the UK.

An Israeli construction and infrastructure firm. Operates a quarry and concrete plant in the occupied West Bank and involved in several development projects in illegal settlements there.

An Israeli infrastructure and construction company. Builds infrastructure and residential projects in multiple illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and has a factory a factory in a settlement. Involved in building military checkpoints and the Gaza wall.

One of the largest grocery store chains in Israel. It operates branches and manufactures food products in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.

A Chinese solar energy company. Its solar panels are used in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.


A German multinational conglomerate in the electronics and industrial engineering industries. Its equipment is installed in illegal settlement roads and a the railway tracks in the occupied West Bank.

Since 2009, Sierra Nevada has modified Textron aircraft into CBP's Multi-Role Enforcement Aircraft for monitoring US borders.


Since 2018, SLSCO has replaced and constructed border barriers along the US-Mexico border.

A German-owned solar energy equipment supplier whose equipment has been used at a solar field in an illegal Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank.

A Florida-based prison communications company that provides phones, tablets, kiosks, video "visitation" services, mail scanning technology, and other products to approximately 150 prisons and jails in more than 25 states nationwide.

A British engineering company that provides X-ray and surveillance technologies to US immigration authorities for monitoring borders.

A forensics and biometrics company that, since 2019, consults DHS on optimizing its analysis of rapid DNA tests taken from immigrants at the US-Mexico border.

A French multinational food services and facilities management company that operates prisons in Australia and the UK.

An Israeli solar power company. Its systems are installed in  illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.


A Belgian multinational chemical company whose products were used in the construction of a water system for illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

A Japanese multinational conglomerate that specializes in developing and manufacturing electronic equipment, gaming consoles, instruments, and software. Its cameras are used in surveillance systems in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip.

A subsidiary of Kiewit Infrastructure West, Southwest Valley Constructors has designed and built physical barriers along the US-Mexico border in Texas, Arizona, and California under contracts worth $2.7 billion from 2019 to 2021.

A Virginia-based immigration bail bond company that operates across all 50 US states.

A US-based manufacturer of firearms and tactical gear. It sells its products to law enforcement agencies, the US military, and foreign militaries, including the Israeli military, which uses Ruger weapons to target Palestinians. 

An Israeli provider of electronic monitoring, cybersecurity, and digital identity products. Its subsidiary Leaders in Community Alternatives sells e-carceration tools and and operates "community corrections" programs in the US and internationally. 

A US-based banking and financial services company. It has been a major financier of private prison company CoreCivic.

A US retail company that sells household items, apparel, home furnishings, food, and other merchandise. It sells products that are produced using prison labor.

A US-based facility management services company that owns and partially operates two ICE immigration jails.

An Israeli pharmaceutical manufacturer that benefits from selling to the captive Palestinian market.

An Indian multinational automobile manufacturer that supplies Land Rover vehicles to the Israeli military for use in the occupied Palestinian territory.

A US engineering and IT government contractor that provides CBP with mobile surveillance systems used to monitor the US–Mexico border.

A US manufacturer of mattresses and other bedding products that has a store in an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank.

An Israeli solar energy company with projects in the occupied West Bank.

A US manufacturer of machinery and lift equipment for construction and infrastructure projects. Its equipment has been used in home demolitions and in the construction of Israel's separation wall, the Tel Aviv–Jerusalem railway, and military checkpoints. 

An Israeli pharmaceutical company, the world's largest generic drug manufacturer. Part of an oligopoly of companies who benefit from selling to the Palestinian captive market.

A US-based military contractor, known for its Beechcraft, Bell, Cessna, and Hawker aircraft, some of which are used to monitor the US–Mexico border and by the Israeli military.


A French IT and military company that designs biometric and identification management systems for US and European immigration authorities.

A US-based global investment firm. Its subsidiary ManTech International provides IT and surveillance services to US immigration authorities.

The world’s second-largest private prison company. It owns and operates prisons and jails, including immigration jails and “community corrections” centers, and uses forced prison labor. It also provides e-carceration technologies, transportation, and other services as part of the criminal punishment system.


A US retail company that operates supermarkets across the country. It sells products that are produced using prison labor.

A US holding company that owns Wendy's, one of the world's largest fast-food chains. It uses incarcerated labor.

A US-based multinational financial services company that facilitates money transfers to people held in prisons and jails, including immigration jails, across the US.

An Israeli real estate, construction, and development company that builds housing and commercial projects in the occupied Palestinian territory.

A US-based pharmaceutical and biotech company that provides US immigration authorities with equipment for mass DNA testing of detained immigrants and Rapid DNA testing of migrant families at the US–Mexico border.

A Canadian data broker and information services provider whose systems and databases are used by US immigration authorities to target and track immigrants.

A German engineering company that has provided the Israeli Navy with warships and submarines

An Israeli staffing agency for the private security industry. Its subsidiary Reshef Security provides security services to illegal Israeli settlements, infrastructure projects, and military checkpoints in the occupied West Bank and Golan Heights.


A Dutch technology company whose surveillance cameras are used to surveil Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and by prison and police agencies worldwide.

One of the world's largest automakers. Its vehicles are routinely and extensively used by the Israeli military in committing human rights violations in the occupied Palestinian and Syrian territories. 

A US-based electronic monitoring company that provides prisons and law enforcement agencies with tracking and surveillance technologies.

A US-based credit rating agency and data broker that provides risk mitigation services to immigration authorities and customized software to law enforcement agencies.


A German manufacturer of commercial vehicles and engineering equipment, majority-owned by Volkswagen. It provides Israel with MAN vehicles, which are converted there into The Skunk, a crowd control weapon designed specifically for the military occupation. In addition, MAN buses are used by Egged, a large Israeli bus company that serves many illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

An American digital travel and tourism company that owns and operates several search and booking websites. Its flagship website,, lists many accommodations in illegal settlements on occupied Palestinian and Syrian land.

A US-based banking company. In 2019, it announced that it would stop financing CoreCivic and GEO Group, but its current involvement cannot be verified.

A Wisconsin-based communications company that provides messaging and video "visitation" technology, commissary kiosks, and other products to US jails.

One of the largest food manufacturing companies in the world. It uses incarcerated labor at its factories and has prison labor in its supply chain.

United Tactical Systems sells PepperBall projectiles, launchers, and related accessories to police, prison, and immigration authorities around the world.

A US-based banking company. In 2019, it announced that it would stop financing private prison company CoreCivic.

A US multinational oil & gas company. Provides Israel with fuel for aircraft used by the Israeli air force against Palestinian civilians.


Since 2019, Venntel has provided ICE and CBP with its database of people's locations based on mining smartphone app data.

An Australian infrastructure company whose subsidiary Broadspectrum formerly operated a private prison in Australia through a joint venture.

Formerly Global Tel*Link (GTL), ViaPath Technologies is the second-largest prison communications company in the US, controlling approximately 37% of the market as of 2021. It provides phone and video "visitation" services, tablets, kiosks, and other products to nearly 2,000 prisons and jails across all 50 US states and serves as a customer-facing partner for prison telecom competitors that provide only backend telecom infrastructure. It also operates in the "community corrections" industry and, in 2022, launched an expanded "reentry services" program that includes vocational training, career planning, substance use and mental health treatment, and other so-called treatment-oriented programs.

An Israeli company that operates in construction, real estate, and archive services fields. It owns and operates industrial offices, rental properties, and archival facilities in several illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

A US-based manufacturer and supplier of furniture and equipment for K-12 schools. It uses prison labor and sells its products to prisons.


A German manufacturer of commercial vehicles and engineering equipment. Its subsidiary Traton provides Israel with MAN vehicles, which are converted into The Skunk, a crowd control weapon designed specifically for the military occupation. In addition, MAN buses are used by Egged, a large Israeli bus company that serves many illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.


A Swedish multinational manufacturer of trucks, buses, construction equipment, and industrial systems. Its vehicles and equipment have been used in demolitions of Palestinians' homes and in the construction of illegal Israeli settlements and settlement infrastructure in the occupied West Bank.

The largest retailer in the world. It sells products that are made using prison labor.

A US-based multinational banking and financial services company. In 2019, it announced that it would stop financing private prison companies CoreCivic and GEO Group, but its current involvement cannot be verified.

A Canadian management and consultancy services firm that is involved in several transportation projects in the occupied West Bank.

A US-based owner and operator of hotels and resorts that has a hotel in an illegal settlement in the occupied West Bank.

An Israeli construction and infrastructure company that conducts projects in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory. Its subsidiary GreenNet operates a waste management facility in an illegal settlement in occupied East Jerusalem.

A Japanese vehicle manufacturer that provides all-terrain vehicles and watercraft to US Customs and Border Protection.

One of the world's largest fast-food restaurant companies. It's subsidiary KFC uses prison labor.

An Israeli construction and real estate company that has built residential and commercial projects in illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. Its subsidiary Giltek Infrastructure Works has performed construction work for the Israeli Ministry of Defense.